Hunger Fighters food distribution on June 18


The Crawford County Hunger Fighters drive-through food distribution is planned for Tuesday, June 18, at the United Presbyterian Church, 205 North 24th Street in Denison. Pickup will be from 2:30 to 5 p.m.

Families in need of food assistance will verify their income level eligibility with the TEFAP form which is completed once every year. Forms may be picked up in advance in the bench in front of the Presbyterian Church or filled out that day.


Proxy consent forms used for picking up another person’s food will not need to be renewed unless there are changes. People are asked to abide by the policy of one allotment of food per household. 

Monetary donations made to Crawford County Hunger Fighters may be dropped off at V & H Tire, The Hoffman Agency, or Our Savior Lutheran Church. 

Those who would like to volunteer on the day of the food distribution should call the Presbyterian Church office at 712-263-4130.

At the most recent food distribution on May 29, 7,500 pounds of food items were distributed to 220 families composed of 335 adults and 216 children.


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