D-S boys’ bowling team battles Abraham Lincoln and St. Albert


The Monarch boys’ varsity bowling team lost its triangular match against Abraham Lincoln and St. Albert on January 4.

High games from the varsity team include Ethan Totten with 250, Blaine Brodsky with 198, Jackson Steinkuehler with 197, Jake Fink with 196, and Grant Fink with 192. 

Ethan Totten had the high series of 462 with games of 212 and 250. 

They finished the first round with a total of 1886. 

The varsity boys were in third going into bakers. Their first three baker games were 179, 226, and 210. They were able to close the gap with Abraham Lincoln to only a 56-pin difference. However, the boys struggled in their fourth game and threw a 145. They tried to make up the pins they lost and threw a final game of 236. 

The boys ended up placing third with a score of 2882. St. Albert placed first with a score of 3107 and Abraham Lincoln placed second with a score of 2944.


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