Rauch, Houston and Kennedy first recipients of Scott Schurke Humanitarian Award


Recipients of the inaugural Scott Schurke Humanitarian Awards were announced at Tuesday’s Denison City Council meeting. Pictured from left are Larry Struck, a member of the selection committee; Scott Schurke, for whom the Bill Wright family named the award; and recipients Rhonda Rauch, Dave Houston and Karen Kennedy. Photo by Gordon Wolf


Anyone who worked at, was a student at or visited Denison High School knows who Scott Schurke is.

The 1980 Denison High School graduate was a custodian at the school and was admired for the dedication he exhibited toward his work. But more so he is known as a selfless individual who put others above himself, who would put his work on hold for a bit to help someone with an immediate need.

Last year, the Bill Wright family established the Scott Schurke Humanitarian Award as a way to give back to the community that has meant a great deal to them.

On Tuesday, three people who exemplify the work ethic and character of Scott Schurke became the inaugural recipients of the award.

Rhonda Rauch, Dave Houston and Karen Kennedy were called to the front of the council chambers during the Denison City Council meeting to each receive a certificate and a $1,500 check from Larry Struck, a member of the selection committee.

Other members of the selection committee are Craig Dozark and Tonya Eller.

Houston is a social sciences teacher and Kennedy is a business teacher at Denison High School. Rauch can be seen taking photographs at nearly every sporting event and activity involving Denison Community School students.


Schurke epitomizes dedication and selflessness
— Bill Wright family

The Wright family named the award after Schurke, who they said epitomized the dedication and selflessness that all people should strive to replicate. Bill Wright was an educator at Denison Community Schools, starting as middle school teacher and coach in 1969 and retiring as the superintendent on June 30, 2004.

The purpose of the award is to provide a financial gift to individuals who have displayed selflessness in their interactions with others, to go above and beyond to make the Denison community a better place for all people.

The recipients were nominated by non-family members.

The certificate of appreciation given to each award recipient says, “Your personal ripple effect is the power of one generating hope and change in others for a better world. Like ripples radiating across the surface of a pond when a pebble is tossed in, kindness is powerful and has far-reaching, positive ramifications that will last long after you are gone.”

When Mayor Pam Soseman thanked Schurke following the award presentation, he humbly replied, “You’re welcome. I haven’t done anything greater than anyone else. I just show up and do what I have to do.”

Award recipients can be Denison Community School students from fourth grade on up, all faculty and staff and administrators at the school, and any community adult that has a relationship with the school district.

Information about nominations for the Scott Schurke Humanitarian Award will be available beginning in January of each year. The Denison Community Schools administers the award, and the forms are online.

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