Denison-Schleswig Monarchs Baseball


Monarch boys take win from St. Alberts

Bats for the Denison-Schleswig boys’ baseball team came alive after the third inning in a game Tuesday at St. Albert, and the Monarchs won 5-3.

St. Albert scored its runs early in the game – one run in the first inning and two in the third.

The Monarchs answered back with two runs in the fourth inning and three in the sixth.

The Monarchs scored their runs on eight hits. Those came from Jake Fink, Owen Galvin, Cole Kastner (2), Ty Fink, Cody Schulte, Ryan Slechta and Linkin Beeck.

Kastner slammed a home run, and Ty Fink and Jake Fink hit doubles.

Runs were scored by Jake Fink, Galvin, Kastner, Ty Fink and Schulte.

Slechta stole one base.

The Monarchs stranded five runners on base and St. Albert left seven stranded.

Camdyn Nemitz started on the mound for the Monarchs and went for six innings. He struck out three and walked four while giving up seven hits to St. Albert. Galvin pitched the last inning for the Monarchs.

Three Monarchs struck out in the game and one batter walked.


Monarch boys shut out Atlantic

The Denison-Schleswig boys blanked Atlantic 8-0 on Thursday, June 13, at Atlantic.

Jake Fink pitched the shutout for the Monarchs. He struck out nine batters and walked two.

The Monarchs scored runs in every inning except the first and the fourth.

Denison-Schleswig’s 12 hits came from Owen Galvin (2), Cole Kastner (3), Ty Fink, Cody Schulte, Camdyn Nemitz (2), Ryan Slechta and Linkin Beeck (2).

Slechta and Kastner each hit a double, and Beeck hit two doubles.

Runs were scored by Galvin, Nemitz (2), Slechta (2), Beeck (2) and Roman Bygness.

Atlantic had four hits and left five runners on base. The Monarchs left 10 on base.

Bygness, Slechta, Nash Langenfeld, Beeck and Jake Fink all stole bases.

The Atlantic pitchers struck out five batters and walked two.

Monarch boys shut out by Sioux City West

The Denison-Schleswig boys were shut out in a game played Friday, June 14, at Sioux City West, 3-0.

West’s runs all came in the bottom of the fifth inning.

The Monarchs collected five hits, one each from Cole Kastner, Cody Schulte and Nash Langenfeld and two from Ty Fink. The Monarchs left eight runners on base. West had six hits and left nine runners on base.

Linkin Beeck had one stolen base.

Schulte started on the mound; he struck out one batter and walked none. Owen Galvin came in and pitched the rest of the game for the Monarchs. 

Cael Kilberg from West struck out 10 Monarch batters and walked four. 


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