141st Hayes Township Schuetzen Verein this Sunday


Good food, good fun


Collin Wiederin (left) and Mitchell Schulte with Mitchell Schulte Construction and Collin Wiederin Construction show the concrete work they did at the Five Mile House south of Westside. Photo by Gordon Wolf


This year’s Hayes Township Schuetzen Verein, set for Sunday, June 2, will give participants a peek at the future appearance of the Five Mile House.

Work is in progress to add a three-season room onto the south side of the building. The concrete work has been completed, and after the King Shoot, the contractor will start putting up the walls, roof and basically finishing out the project.

The Five Mile House Board has been fundraising for the project for three years.  

Troy Gehlsen, treasurer for the Five Mile House Board, said the addition to the building is unique among event venues.

“When we were looking at this project, we wanted to do something that nobody else in this area had done, and to our knowledge, nobody else in the area has that three seasons addition,” he said. “The three seasons addition will be a great place for people to gather during events.”

Gehlsen said eventually the addition will have a stone fireplace and a bar and seating. 

Windows on the east and on the west side of the addition can be opened to give that three-seasons effect, he said.


Fundraising will continue to pay for the addition. The proceeds from this year’s auction will go toward the project, too.

“This is something that we feel will help the Five Mile House stay viable, stay successful and keep us on the map because nobody else around here has an area like that on their facility,” said Gehlsen.

He added, “Every time we do these improvements to the Five Mile House we're helping out the future of the house to last just a little bit longer, hopefully for another generation or two and beyond.”

June 2nd will mark the 141th Hayes Township Schuetzen Verein. It will offer the same good food, music, dancing, shooting contests, softball throw contest and fellowship that occurs at the Five Mile House every year.

Opening ceremonies start at around 9:30 a.m. with a flag raising and the singing of the national anthem. People will be updated on the project, and then the entertainment will begin. Returning to the band stand will be the popular Wendinger Band, which has played at the King Shoot for about 10 years, Gehlsen said.

“The Wendinger Band, from Minnesota, is very well known in the Midwest and beyond, and they’re always happy to come back,” said Gehlsen. “Peter Wendinger, the bandleader, has told me he loves the Five Mile House and loves playing for the King Shoot because people dance to the music and have a good time.”

The Wendinger Band will play until 2 p.m.

Before that, at about 10:30 or 10:45 a.m., the band will take a rest for the annual fundraising auction. 

Lunch will be served by Mike Bierl, of Arcadia, who was named King based on last year’s shooting contest.

At 1 p.m. the shooting competitions will start. They will conclude at 5 p.m. with the determination of the king and princess.

At 2 p.m., the Queen’s softball toss will start inside the Five Mile House.

Something new from the bar this year is the serving of two lighter craft beers. Craft beer has never before been served at the King Shoot.

Gehlsen pointed out that the Schuetzen Verein at the Five Mile House is one of only two remaining Vereins in Iowa. The other one is by Epworth, situated along Highway 20 in eastern Iowa. 

‘We want people to come out and have fun,” said Gehlsen. “There will be a lot of good food and lots of good music. The King Shoot is all about that and friends and family heritage and keeping a great tradition alive for years to come.”


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