Letter to the editor: Schleswig asks people to extend voter-approved Physical Plant and Equipment Levy


On September 10 the Schleswig Community School District will be asking voters to extend the Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL).

The PPEL levy can be used for a number of expenditures including construction of buildings; purchasing property, buses and technology equipment; repairing existing facilities; and energy conservation expenditures. 

The levy cannot be used for staff salaries or supplies. Those expenditures must come from a school district's general fund.

Our district has had the voter approved PPEL for many years and a yes vote would simply continue the amount of funds that the district is currently receiving. It would not increase the tax rate our patrons are paying. The funds will be used for technology upgrades, building repairs and upgrades, and transportation replacements.

Our district does not take lightly asking voters for continuation of the PPEL levy, especially in these economic times. However, we feel as a district that purchasing newer transportation, making building repairs and upgrades, and upgrading technology are in the best interests of our students and strike the best balance between the needs of our students and taxpayers.

Our district is committed to providing the highest quality education to the students of our district and we encourage you to contact Superintendent Kim Buryanek at kimburyanek@schleswig.k12.ia.us or  call 712-676-3313 if you have any questions about the use of these funds.

Dr. Kim Buryanek, 
Schleswig Superintendent


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