Supervisor candidates present their views


Note: Candidates for supervisor were asked the same three questions and were allowed a total of 750 words to respond to the three questions.




The board of supervisors has spent hours on the subject of carbon dioxide pipelines. Can you explain what the board of supervisors can and should do to protect the wishes of all property owners, including those who oppose a carbon dioxide pipeline and those who are willing to have the pipeline cross their property?


The mission statement of the office of supervisor in Iowa says, “the number one priority is to protect citizens.” As the board of supervisors, we are required to follow the federal regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and state regulations.

At this time, we are still waiting for the Iowa Utilities Board (IUB) to approve the request to be considered a public utility. Many people, including myself, do not believe this pipeline reaches the threshold of a public utility but rather is a private utility financed by tax credits for private financial gain. Currently, approximately 85% of the easements have been signed by landowners to give access to their land. It is not the role of the government to tell property owners what they can and cannot do with their property. The balance of landowners do not want the pipeline to cross their property and have not signed the required easement agreements. I have a big problem with using the power of eminent domain to take this land and put a hazardous pipeline on property that citizens have worked so hard to own. I do not want “Iowa to be for sale and if you don’t want to sell, we will just take it.” Until we get the ruling of the IUB board, we do not know the status of this pipeline. At this time, we are working on a soil restoration ordinance that will protect our agricultural land through the pipeline process. We want a guarantee that the pipeline construction will leave our valuable agricultural land in the same condition as they found it. I would also like to consider a decommissioning ordinance to protect landowners if the project is abandoned. 


What will be your priorities in the next four years on the county board of supervisors?


I will continue to work on the completion of our communication tower system to ensure good communication between fire, EMA, hospital, sheriff’s department, and volunteers for the safety of all citizens. This tower project has been ongoing for many years, and it is our hope that we reach completion sometime this fall. 

We have just begun to see the impact that House File #718, Homestead 65 and other unfunded state mandates and the repercussions they will have on our budgeting process in 2025. We started this year looking at line items to see where we can possibly make some cuts and adjustments. I think we have a good understanding of some solutions.

Our mental health program in Iowa has been going through a realignment transition. I look forward to staying in contact with our regional directors to follow the process to ensure our Crawford County residents have access to the services they need. With a larger region for our county, we need to continue to communicate with our Mental Health Advocates to ensure good quality services.  

I will also stay focused on getting the Crawford County Community Health program moved to its new location at 215 North 14th Street. This building will facilitate Public Health, Hospice, Home Health Care and also be the new home of Veterans Affairs. It will also have rooms available for the Women-Infants and Children Program aka WIC. Having all these services in one location will be a benefit to our county.  

We will continue to work on bridges and county roads to facilitate the larger farming equipment and heavier loads so farmers can safely get their products to market. Snow removal and maintenance of gravel roads in our county is a top priority. We have just received our county engineer of 25+ years retirement letter. This board will have the task of hiring a new county engineer.


Tell why you should be the voters’ choice.


I feel my experience and dedication to digging deep into the issues has made me an asset to the current board of supervisors and to the Crawford County taxpayers. Serving as a Crawford County supervisor is important to me. I have learned so much about the function of being a Crawford County supervisor by attending the Iowa Association of Counties (ISAC) meetings, and attending our Four County Quarterly meetings to hear the concerns facing our neighboring counties. I also serve on the Public Health Board, Mental Health Advisory Board, Region XII Council of Government Policy Board and Buena Vista, Crawford and Sac Early Childhood. As a supervisor, I believe in following the county policy manual. I believe it is the backbone of treating everyone with respect and fairness. I would like to continue serving as your Crawford County supervisor.



The board of supervisors has spent hours on the subject of carbon dioxide pipelines. Can you explain what the board of supervisors can and should do to protect the wishes of all property owners, including those who oppose a carbon dioxide pipeline and those who are willing to have the pipeline cross their property?


If I am elected as supervisor I would continue the work of the board. I know they are working hard with the county attorney to implement ordinances to ensure the safety and rights of Crawford County residents affected by the pipeline. Unfortunately, to keep all parties satisfied is impossible. I would encourage concerned parties to come to the table and have a conversation to work though differences. As far as the IUB and eminent domain, I would hope that they choose not to allow a for profit company to use eminent domain.


What will be your priorities in the next four years on the county board of supervisors?


I would try to identify and pursue what are the expectations of county taxpayers. To me, it would be a safe community, good infrastructure, and a well-prepared emergency management system.

A safe community: this would mean supporting the county sheriff’s department, ensuring they have the support needed to keep our communities safe and their deputies trained and safe.

Good Infrastructure: taxpayers expect their roads in good condition. This is a never-ending conversation and challenge. I would encourage the secondary roads department to communicate with the board needs of equipment, training and materials so budgets can be transparent and expected.

Emergency Management: It is difficult to plan for every possible disaster. It is important to try, though. We need to revisit our last plans and work on updating them and planning for new ones. I hope we learned a few things from Covid that we could use in the future.


Tell why you should be the voters’ choice.


Local government and elections are very important. Small towns and in rural areas we sometimes wear several different hats, regarding different roles and responsibilities. I have a variety of knowledge learned from being on Schleswig City Council, Schleswig Volunteer Fire Department, Schleswig Enterprise Board, Crawford County Endowment Board and various other obligations in my community. It is hard to explain, but there was a time, 20 years ago, when I was a new fireman. It didn’t take long for me to realize there was so much I didn’t know starting out, however I had the desire to put in the work and grow my knowledge. Soon getting Firefighter1 and Firefighter2 certifications. Studied and earned EMT certification. Held office as Chief, Treasurer, Secretary, Training Officer, Service Director. Seems like a blink of an eye, the “Old Guys” had retired and now my group of firemen had the experience to teach to the new firemen. It is a responsibility and privilege, gained by experience, to pass along knowledge to the next generation. I would ask the community to vote for me for county supervisor. I look forward to bringing my knowledge and experience to the Crawford County Board of Supervisors.




The board of supervisors has spent hours on the subject of carbon dioxide pipelines. Can you explain what the board of supervisors can and should do to protect the wishes of all property owners, including those who oppose a carbon dioxide pipeline and those who are willing to have the pipeline cross their property?


Being a pro-agriculture and pro-business public official, I don’t believe it is my place to pick winners and losers or determine what is a good idea for the private sector. It is our duty to protect the county’s lands, infrastructure, health and welfare, finances, public sustainability, and people. This pipeline is a bit of a sticky wicket due to just what we have legal authority to do. For example, routing is the domain of the state, and safety is a federal issue. Some counties have tried to take on these issues and are now in legal proceedings. In my opinion, this was an uncertain investment, and they now have no contact with the pipeline companies - contact that may help find solutions and common ground on trying matters. When this pipeline topic first came up, I penned an objection that we filed with the state, which expressed our opposition to the use of eminent domain for a private company. The use of eminent domain in this way is, in my opinion, a slippery slope of immense proportion. While the higher levels of government supersede us in many areas of this issue, we are doing what we can to craft an ordinance that will protect our soils during construction and ensure there is a bond or escrow account set up for any decommissioning costs if it is no longer of use. We are trying to protect certain lands for development, but this too is a difficult endeavor. We are listening to both the pro and opposition sides of this story and trying to judiciously serve all interests. Along with our legal staff and a great deal of research on this and other issues, we are trying to craft ordinances that will serve the interests of our land and our residents without hindering commerce.


What will be your priorities in the next four years on the county board of supervisors?

First, we will continue to get a handle on the budget, evaluate our different departments, and streamline our county workforce. Most departments are adequately equipped. However, some have grown beyond what I feel is truly necessary. We are also working to find ways to improve our secondary road network through subgrade improvements, seal coats, and additional miles of paved highway. Cost will always be a primary factor in what we do, but improvements are necessary and sustainable if we go about the strategic planning in detail. Overall infrastructure will be critical to growing our tax base so that we have more business assets to share the tax burden. A four-lane highway, and shovel-ready industrial parks in the Denison area, but also in other growing Crawford communities. The future needs in flood mitigation, water supplies, recreation, and residential, along with light commercial development, are a great reason to continue our efforts to construct a county water reservoir. All of this, along with getting a better handle on day-to-day courthouse affairs, are must-do priorities.


Tell why you should be the voters’ choice.


As you can see from my previous answers, and hopefully you have been able to follow my efforts for the past three and a half years, I stay extremely busy as your supervisor. Not even a bout with a health challenge slowed me down. I serve you on the local, state, and national level on committees dealing with agriculture legislation, rural development, EMS, juvenile detention, military and veterans affairs, international economic development, and other important issues. My military service, along with my business experience, and my experience in the role of county supervisor have crafted a knowledgeable, disciplined, compassionate, and determined leader. I believe that is serving the interests of Crawford by taking on the hard issues and not backing down when the going gets tough. I took on a communications project that had stalled but is now nearing completion. Nearly every day we face a new challenge, and I’m the type of fellow that thrives in that environment. It can take a long time to acclimate yourself to budget details, handling a massive insurance program, being an advisor, a counselor, and a sounding board for our county team and the general public. I am frequently reassured that I am doing a great job and that my efforts are appreciated. At this point, I am able to walk onto the job on January 1st and hit the ground running. No learning curve is necessary, and I will continue to work my hardest to propel Crawford County forward and work along with what is already a great board of supervisors. I am the right person for this job, and I’m asking for your vote on June 4th.



The board of supervisors has spent hours on the subject of carbon dioxide pipelines. Can you explain what the board of supervisors can and should do to protect the wishes of all property owners, including those who oppose a carbon dioxide pipeline and those who are willing to have the pipeline cross their property?


I am a candidate running for Crawford County Supervisor. In my opinion, it is the landowners’ constitutional right to say yes or no to having the carbon dioxide pipeline to go through their property. As sheriff, I have dealt with the properties owners’ concerns and I truly believe this is a Iowa Supreme Court decision and it should not be our county supervisors’ obligation to make landowners give up their property rights, and for those wishing to have it run through their property, it should be their right as well.


What will be your priorities in the next four years on the county board of supervisors?


My priority as a county supervisor is to see this county grow and prosper. Whether it is starting a business, building a home, or land buying for agriculture. Making sure that the people of Crawford County tax dollars are spent wisely. I will listen to the people and their concerns. I want people to take an interest in Crawford County and hopefully get them to live here.


Tell why you should be the voters’ choice.

Answer I have been working in county government for the past several years as your sheriff and also before that I served as mayors and on city councils of two communities here in Crawford County as well as a police officer and volunteering in my community where I live. I have heard what the needs of Crawford County are and will work for the citizens of Crawford County. I would appreciate your vote June 4, 2024.


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